Self assessment
Effort : 2/3
Indicitive : B
Homework : H
1) Aim to complete all homework tasks as they are set
2) Work independantly on production work in an effecient manner to meet deadlines
3) Cut down on the talking in lesson
Software to be used:
For initial filming, animating and rendering:
· Source Film Maker for the majority of the animations
· Autodesk Maya for precise, key frame animations
· Source SDK to access the effects and sprites (such as explosions, blood, smoke trailers etc)
· The Team Fortress 2 client (program itself is hl2.exe) + Source Recorder for POV gameplay footage
· Sony Vegas for video editing + final rendering
· Sony Sound Forge for audio editing
· Photoshop for text + titles + video overlays
Production: Fan-made trailer for Team Fortress 2
Meet the Scout Trailer:
From the same game (Team Fortress 2), official character trailer (there are 9 characters in total, 7 have trailers)
Bulletstorm Trailer
Upcoming FPS , s
Conventions: Humour, POV shots (gameplay footage), text/montage sequences
Duke Nukem Forever Trailer
Another upcoming FPS
· Humour,
· Montage sequences
· Breaking the 4th wall
· Non-diagetic sound
· POV Shots
· Gameplay Footage
· Cuts to text
· Music cuts during a humorous portion
· Lots of violence + explosions + gore
· All the above trailers have some sort of gag or extra sequence at the end after the title of the game has been revealed
"The enormous controversy surrounding violent video games has been fuelled by conflicting claims about the nature of their content and the relationship between game use and hostility."[1]
How and why is violence so prevalent in modern videogames, and should audiences be better protected from it through censorship?
Video games are the newest and fastest growing medium of entertainment of the current modern era, and it is recorded that “sixty-seven percent of American households play computer or video games.”[2] However, as a new and expanding media platform it faces heavy criticisms and regularly sparks controversy, which is a testament to “the general struggles any new medium has to go through before it gains wide social acceptance.”[3] This is doubly so in the case of video games, as the intention of any game is to push boundaries and allow players to defy established social norms (and often the laws of physics) in a virtual dream world. Yet, as the popular saying goes; “One man’s dream is another’s nightmare,” which is a fitting metaphor in helping to explain the outrage and often conservative fears expressed regarding the content of some games. Some individuals (namely those who are older and with children, based on who debates are usually put across by) are opposed to the level of violence displayed in games, and although violence has long-since existed in the film industry, the viewer has never had direct control over this violence. Most gamers however would argue that the medium is merely a form of escapism which excels at expressing and exploring human emotions and conflict in a more interactive manner, and is ultimately harmless. Nevertheless, one must admit that video games often vilify themselves by promoting gratuitous violence with an almost childlike demeanour (such as in the case of the upcoming Duke Nukem Forever[4], in which we hear the protagonist taunt an enemy by proclaiming “I’ll rip your head off and shit down your neck”). This approach to a universally sensitive topic (i.e. murder) only helps to reinforce the stereotype that video games provide nothing of value to players and glorify immoral actions, which in turn lets a stronger case be made in support of censorship of these games.
Take for example the recently released first-person shooter (a genre of games in which the player controls a character from a point-of-view angle, and a common convention of said genre is for the weapon in use to be angled ahead of the player in clear sight, hence the name) Bulletstorm[5], which sports the catchphrase “Kill with skill”[6] in its trailer. The game itself has a heavy emphasis on killing as many enemies as possible and employing the most violent and gruesome methods (‘Skillshots’) available to do so, resulting in ‘Chain-kills.’ Anyone wishing to form a case against violent video games need not look far, as the above example is nothing new to the gaming industry. However, regardless of how much brutality and gore is present in a game, we must ask ourselves whether that warrants censorship of that piece of media text, which is arguably a piece of art. And as the artist Philippe Benichou declared; “I aim at creating my art in the context of a universal idea of freedom. I am unquestionably against all physical and ideological manifestations of tyranny, oppression and imprisonment,”[7] which is a sentiment which is undoubtedly shared by many game developers who face the outcry of the public demanding they censor their work. Is the damage a game may do to certain individuals worth preventing at the cost of freedom of artistic expression? To answer this, one must first examine not only the effect violent games have on players, but also the moral and ethical dilemma of censorship.
[1] Violent virtual video games and hostile thoughts. (2004, September 1). Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1, 1.
[2] The Entertainment Software Association - Industry Facts. (n.d.). The Entertainment Software Association - Home Page. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from
[3] Nielsen, S., Smith, J. H., & Tosca, S. P. (2008). Video Game Culture. Understanding video games: the essential introduction (p. 138). New York: Routledge.
[4] Duke Nukem Forever (Gearbox Software, 2011, USA)
[5] Bulletstorm (Epic Games, 2011, USA)
[6] Bulletstorm Trailer (Epic Games, 2010, USA)
[7] Benichou, P. (n.d.). » International Reviews Philippe Benichou Artist Blog. The Art of Philippe Benichou - Original Paintings - Limited Editions - Official Web Site. Retrieved January 24, 2011, from
[8] Meitcke, W. (1984). William Golding's Lord of the Flies . Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's.
[9] Walker, A. (1982). The Color Purple. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
[10] Hooper, T. (Director). (1986).The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 [Motion picture]. United States: Mgm (Video & Dvd).
[11] Extra Credits: Facing Controversy (2010, The Escapist Magazine, USA)
[12] ibid
[13] Kubrick, S. (Director). (1987).Full Metal Jacket [Motion picture]. U.S.A.: Warner Home Video.
[14] Manhunt (Rockstar Games, 2007, UK/USA)
[15] Shaw, B. (1893). Mrs. Warren's Profession. Champaign, Ill.: Project Gutenberg.
[16] Ellis, H. (1910)
[17] Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children: A Review of Self-Regulation and Industry Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries, Appendix A - "A Review of Research on the Impact of Violence in Entertainment Media" (Sept. 2000);
[18] ibid
[19] Jonathan Freedman, Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence (2002).
[21] MSNBC. (n.d.). Were video games to blame for massacre? - Technology & science - Games -
Retrieved January 31, 2011, from
[22] Video Games and Violence - Art Carden - Mises Daily. (n.d.). Ludwig von Mises Institute - Homepage. Retrieved January 31, 2011, from
Works Cited
Shaw, B. (1893). Mrs. Warren's Profession. Champaign, Ill.: Project Gutenberg.
Nielsen, S., Smith, J. H., & Tosca, S. P. (2008). Video Game Culture. Understanding video games: the essential introduction (p. 138). New York: Routledge.
Newspapers and Magazines:
Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children: A Review of Self-Regulation and Industry Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries, Appendix A - "A Review of Research on the Impact of Violence in Entertainment Media" (Sept. 2000)
Violent virtual video games and hostile thoughts. (2004, September 1). Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1, 1.
The Entertainment Software Association - Industry Facts. (n.d.). The Entertainment Software Association - Home Page. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from
Benichou, P. (n.d.). » International Reviews Philippe Benichou Artist Blog. The Art of Philippe Benichou - Original Paintings - Limited Editions - Official Web Site. Retrieved January 24, 2011, from
Video Games and Violence - Art Carden - Mises Daily. (n.d.). Ludwig von Mises Institute - Homepage. Retrieved January 31, 2011, from
Moving-image texts:
Kubrick, S. (Director). (1987).Full Metal Jacket [Motion picture]. U.S.A.: Warner Home Video.
Bulletstorm Trailer (Epic Games, 2010, USA)
Works Consulted
Walker, A. (1982). The Color Purple. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Jonathan Freedman, Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence (2002).
Meitcke, W. (1984). William Golding's Lord of the Flies . Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's.
Newspapers and Magazines:
Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children: A Review of Self-Regulation and Industry Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries, Appendix A - "A Review of Research on the Impact of Violence in Entertainment Media" (Sept. 2000);
Violent virtual video games and hostile thoughts. (2004, September 1). Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1, 1.
MSNBC. (n.d.). Were video games to blame for massacre? - Technology & science - Games -
Retrieved January 31, 2011, from
Moving-image texts:
Hooper, T. (Director). (1986).The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 [Motion picture]. United States: Mgm (Video & Dvd).
Counter Strike (Valve Software, 2003, USA)
Manhunt (Rockstar Games, 2007, UK/USA)
Extra Credits: Facing Controversy (2010, The Escapist Magazine, USA)
Duke Nukem Forever (Gearbox Software, 2011, USA)